
What should be paid attention to when using pruning shears?


Before pruning, you should fully understand the floweri […]

Before pruning, you should fully understand the flowering habit of the pruning object. For example, Chinese rose blooms at the top of new branches in the current year, so after the flowers fade, the flowering branches are cut short to promote the germination of axillary buds at the base to form new flowering branches, which continue to bloom in the current year. Five-color plums, night lilacs, etc. are differentiated by flower buds in spring, and they can bloom after summer. They should be shortened in late autumn, and the new branches in the spring of the following year can bloom into summer. Pruning should be based on the principle of keeping the outside but not the inside, straight and not horizontal. Cut off diseased and dead branches, weak branches, leggy branches, cross branches, and dense branches. The buds at the cut should be left to grow outside, and the cut should not be too close to the bud, otherwise it will easily lose moisture and dry, which will affect germination.