
What methods can extend the life of scissors?


There are many small tools in life that can help us enj […]

There are many small tools in life that can help us enjoy life more conveniently, such as scissors. I believe everyone has scissors in their homes? Do you know how long the scissors in your home have been used? In fact, the service life of scissors is related to factors such as geometric angle, cutting force, cutting heat, and cutting consumption. The durability and service life of scissors can be extended through human subjective efforts. Below Zhejiang Wugu Paoshin Industries Co., Ltd. will take you to see what methods can extend the life of scissors?



The following methods can prolong the service life of scissors:


First, improve the geometric angle of the scissors.
The angle of the scissors and the shape of the blade affect the change of the cutting force. As the front angle increases, the chip deformation is small, the cutting is light, and the cutting force and cutting heat decrease. On the premise of ensuring that the scissors have sufficient strength, the rake angle should be as large as possible. When the entering angle is reduced, the length of the cutting edge to participate in the cutting increases, so that the cutting heat is relatively dispersed, and the increase of the nose angle can reduce the cutting temperature;


Second, choose a reasonable amount of cutting.
The cutting amount affects the durability of the scissors. If the cutting depth and feed rate are too large, the cutting force increases, the wear of the scissors is also fast, the cutting speed is too high, and the scissors and the workpiece are worn. Therefore, choosing a reasonable cutting amount can also extend the use of the scissors. life;


Third, use cooling lubricants.
Cooling lubricating fluid can absorb and take away most of the heat in the cutting area, improve the heat dissipation conditions, reduce the cutting temperature of the scissors and the workpiece, reduce the wear of the knife, thereby prolong the service life of the scissors, and prevent the workpiece from dimensional error due to thermal deformation;


Fourth, choose scissors materials reasonably. The workpiece material and processing conditions have a great influence on the cutting performance of the scissors. When processing different materials, you must know how to choose different scissors to meet the requirements of cutting;


Fifth, strengthen daily maintenance.
The production site, especially the scissor clamping device, work surface, and scissor storage area, should be thoroughly cleaned. Regularly maintain the accuracy of the scissors. Make sure that the scissors and the screws of the clamping device are tight. When installing and disassembling, clean up the leakage and dirt in time;
Sixth, grasp and adjust the best cutting conditions, set and maintain good cutting conditions. Understand the cutting status of accessories through vibration analysis, etc., and make adjustments in time to make the scissors have a good working environment. Once the scissors are replaced, the size must be adjusted to ensure proper fastener conditions and cutting conditions.


Through the above methods, we know what methods can prolong the service life of scissors. I wonder if you have learned it? Only by mastering the durability of the scissors and improving the durability of the scissors can the service life of the scissors be increased, and it can play a greater role.